



You have reached the donation page for Carbon Negative Water and Energy (CanWE), a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the mitigation of climate change.  Thank you for considering your donation to CanWE.  If you do decide to donate, the charge will appear as Carbon Negative Water and Energy, and the federal ID number (EIN) for tax deduction purposes is:  84-3767260.   If you are not able to make a donation at this time, you can help CanWE by forwarding the main page ( ) to your network or social media (click “like” and “share”).

Our goal is to inform the public about climate and other sustainability issues, and showcase solutions to address the problems.  That includes providing information to investors.  If you are benefitting financially from the information you find here, the universe is calling upon you to contribute.  The donation form below is not yet targeted to specific campaigns.  See a note below from Dr. Hoaglund with brief summaries of current high priority projects that may become specific campaigns or earmarked options on this page at a later date.


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